(Lot of 8) Unger Brass Window Squeegee Golden Clip Handle Only
$75.00 $50.00ID#14990- This product is in New condition.
Verkada CD42-256-hw Indoor Dome Camera
$427.50 $285.00ID#14997-This product is in New (open box) condition.
Dynasty DYN-4401 Door Closer Heavy Duty Commercial *Please READ*
$97.50 $65.00ID#14911- One part is broken (please see picture). The other are all in new condition
Seco-Larm PLS-ML1200 Electromagnetic Lock
$127.50 $85.00ID#14912-This product is in New (open box) condition.
Legrand Wiremold 8B Evolution Series Poke-Thru Devices Blank Device Plate (BOX)
$127.50 $85.00ID#14913- This product is in New condition.
Bussmann JJN-300 Fuse 300A 300v AC 2 3/4” In Length 1” DIA Fuse Size Bolt
COOPER Bussmann
$225.00 $62.00ID#14915- This product is in New condition.
3-light Led Bathroom Lights
$127.50 $85.00ID#14916-This product is in New (open box) condition.
Carpuride W103 Pro Portable Car Stereo BT Wireless Apple Carplay Android Auto US
$367.50 $225.00ID#14936-This product is in New (open box) condition.
Hanwha Techwin Wisenet ANO-L7022R 4MP IR Bullet Surveillance Camera
Hanwha Techwin
$142.50 $95.00ID#14937-This product is in New (open box) condition.
P2P (X9100C-PH36) HD Wireless IP Camera 720P
IP Camera
$37.50 $25.00ID#14903- This product is in "Excellent condition" with accessories and original box.
Compustar CS852-A 1-Way LED 3000-FT Range Security Keyless Entry Alarm System
$127.50 $85.00ID#14869-This product is in New (open box) condition.
Böhmer Kugelhahn DN 040 | PN 100 | MKGV7 004 0482 Ball Valve
Böhmer Kugelhahn
$127.50 $85.00ID#14831- It's in New(Open Box) Condition - The item is dusty/dirty from storage.
(Lot Of 2) BII Series 0827-nl Full Port Ball Valve
$142.50 $95.00ID#14832-This product is in New (open box) condition.
Full Cover Bearing 20550
$52.50 $35.00ID#14833-This product is in New (open box) condition.
Sharpe Nace MR-01-075 Fig.34834 3/4" Gate Valve - 800 , 1975 Psi
$87.00 $58.00ID#14835-This product is in New (open box) condition.
(Lot of 4) Warren NACE MR0175 Check Valve Socket Weld 3/4" 853-8-s
$142.50 $95.00ID#14836-This product is in New (open box) condition.
(Lot Of 9) OSRAM 49970-D Qicktronic Electronic Ballast Fluor
$172.50 $115.00ID#14837-This product is in New condition.
EASTMAN 60003B 1/2" FIP x 1/2" FL Gas Ball Valve (Lot of 6)
$67.50 $45.00ID#14795- This product is in New condition.